Rabu, Juli 30

Gubug Mang Engking, BSD Serpong

Time for restaurant review! (it might be happened just once in a lifetime). Gue suka makan, tapi gue gak terlalu ngerti rasa, gak ngerti bumbu, gak suka masak, gak bisa masak. Lengkap sudah. So the reason why I am going to do this review is because the place. I like the place. So let's get started!

I went there for just a regular family lunch, we're having a Ramadhan holiday, so we thought why did't we once had lunch outside the house. It took around 35 minutes to get there, pretty near

This is me with that fail fierce face -_- on the way to the restaurant

Waiting list. Kita dapet antrian nomor 4, tapi tanpa menunggu terlalu lama kita langsung dapet tempat

Pas baru masuk, yang pertama terlintas di kepala gue adalah "buseeeet ni tempat gede beneeeer". Mostly penataannya adalah per meja, per gubuk, bayangin butuh berapa gubuk untuk memfasilitasi semua meja yang tersedia, ada sih beberapa meja yang gak pake gubuk, atau per gubuk ada 2-3 meja, tapi yang paling banyak adalah satu gubuk, satu meja. Gubuk nya sendiri terdiri atas 2, gubuk air, gubuk darat. Kebetulan gue dapet yang gubuk darat, karena gubuk air sudah pasti penuh. Seperti namanya, gubuk air berada tepat diatas air, bahkan dibawah meja pun kaki kita langsung ketemu sm air, jadi sembari makan sembari nyelup nyelupin kaki ke air. Suasana pedesaan banget kan? Hahaha

Ini tempat gue makan

my sister yang lagi cekikikan berdua sama hp -_-"

my smiling mommy and thinking daddy

gubuk air

This is my mom. She is amazing. Just the way her pose is -_-"

Going to the most important one! The food!

Gue ga ngerti seasoning sama sekali, tapi gue bisa bilang kalo dari sekitar 6 lauk yang gue pesan semuanya enak-enak banget. I can say that dia konsepnya desa tapi rasanya hotel, it is just IN MY OPINION yaaa hahahaha. My favorite goes to ayam kecap something. I don't remember what exactly it's name in the menu. Pokoknya enak banget lah hahaha. Total costs was almost 500k for 4 people, pretty expensive for eastern food. By the way, kata "gubuk" bukan lagi mencerminkan gambaran "kemiskinan yaa ternyata -_-"

I think this place will be very suitable for family gathering, family dinner, lunch and anything about family or collegue gathering is fine. But for teenager hanging out I think I won't choose this kind of restaurant for gather with friends. First of all food portions are super big, I mean satu ekor ikan besar, satu ekor ayam, for me thats ridiculous for hanging out with friends -_-" second of all it's too expensive for makanan rumahan, which every boys and girls prefer to fast food or western food, aite? Okay, that's it, hope you enjoy the pictures at least hahahaha

Again, fail shocking face of mine

Be blessed everyone :)

Pop Art Face Painting

Pop art is an art movement that emerged in the mid-1950s in Britain and in the late 1950s in the United States.Pop art presented a challenge to traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular culture such as advertising, news, etc. In pop art, material is sometimes visually removed from its known context, isolated, and/or combined with unrelated material. The concept of pop art refers not as much to the art itself as to the attitudes that led to it. (Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia)

It is pop art, Baby

"Pop art is the inedible raised to the unspeakable." -Leonard Baskin
"Pop Art looks out into the world. It doesn't look like a painting of something, it looks like the thing itself"
- Roy Lichsenstein
I am using a Snazaroo Face Paint & NYX Matte Lipstick MLS 05 Indie Flick.
It is imperfect, but again, it is just having fun!
Be blessed :)

Selasa, Juli 29

Lion King Face Painting

LION KING (1994)

"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it." -Rafiki

"My Dad just showed me the whole kingdom. And I'm gonna rule it all. Heheh." -Young Simba

Adult Simba: [looks into a pool of water] That's not my father. That's just my reflection.
Rafiki: No, look harder.
[touches the water, as it ripples Simba's reflection changes to that of his father]
Rafiki: You see? He lives in you.

"Look inside yourself, Simba. You are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the Circle of Life." -Mufasa

"Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze
It means no worries for the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy" 
-Timon, Pumbaa, Simba (Music by Elton John, lyrics by Tim Rice)

Senin, Juli 28


Black always be my favorite, seasoning with pink they are being my most favorite.

be blessed everyone :)

Harry Potter World. A Marauder's Map to A Round Glasses

Oh, how i  miss Harry Potter World. Harry Potter is one of my most favorite books and movies ever. I am a huge fan of fantasy stories. I read the book from the 1st until the last book. I watched the movies repeatedly. I love the way J.K. Rowling tells messages about friendship, love, and family. I love every magical things in there. When I watched it I definitely imagined how if I live there, I am going to the station looking for a platform 9 3/4, I run through it with a trolley in my hand filled with my things for living at Hogwarts for a year.

The picture above is one of my favorite capture on scene, 

And this is Hogwarts Winter Talent show. HAHAHAHA it's so funny, i found this at tumblr. Professor Snape does wave body dance with grandma's outfit is super hilarious.

best couple in scene. the smartest one with the ridiculous one.

Here is my favorite magical thing in Harry Potter: The Marauder's Map. Harry got this from Fred and George to find any secret information from the secret library in Hogwarts. This is a cool map that can found people. It shows moving footsteps with name of the person or ghosts in Hogwarts, and at that time Harry found mysterious person in the map that used to be died years ago, remember? Peter Pettigrew!

A-not-magical thing that i like is Harry's glasses. It is round and identical. It's interesting to have one, so i bought one from a night market hahaha
I was wearing a vintage outfit for going church, it was a grey flower medium dress, brown strap wedges which i borrowed from my cousin, a brown bag and of course a round Potter's glasses.

be blessed everyone :)

Senin, Juli 21

Mentholatum Acnes Tea Tree Clay Mask

Hari ini gue akan melakukan revieeeew lagi! It is all about mask! Gue lagi sukaaa banget sama mask ini. Masker ini gak mahal, gampang dicari, dan yang paling penting memberikan efek yang memuaskan hihi. Masker apakah dia? This is it, Mentholatum Acnes Tea Tree Clay Mask, this is one of The Acnes Treatment Series!

Acnes ini adalah brand yang memang formula dari produknya spesial untuk merawat kulit berjerawat. Kulit gue ngga berjerawat, tapi gue tetep suka sama efek yang diberikan oleh masker ini, dia memberikan efek cooling down. Biasanya gue pakai masker ini setelah panas-panasan diluar sana, panas-panasan bandel yang menyebabkan kulit gue jadi memerah dan warnanya semakin gelap hahahaha. Anyway gue adalah anak perempuan yang ga pernah masalah terkena matahari lama-lama, jadi yaa gitu deh hahaha. Pada produknya tertera manfaat-manfaat dari produk ini, yaitu cleans away dirt, oil control & acne care, dan helps treat skin texture. Gue bisa katakan bahwa gue merasakan hampir seluruh manfaat yang ditawarkan oleh produk ini, kecuali acne care mungkin yaa, karena kulit gue juga bukan tipe berjerawat. Gue akan bahas satu-persatu seluruh manfaatnya!
  • Cleans away dirt: produk ini mengandung tea tree oil yang notabene memberikan efek fresh dan segar setiap setelah digunakan, wajah terasa bersih tanpa membuatnya kesat. Gue juga merasakan setelah menggunakan masker ini, kulit wajah gue terlihat lebih cerah. Dan wajah cerah pasti akan menyebabkan wajah juga terlihat segar juga. Which is good! Hihi
  • Oil control & acne care: i have kind of an oily skin, belum 5 menit setelah menggunakan spf moisturizer dan baby powder sebelum keluar rumah, wajah gue sudah dibanjiri minyak, mostly on the T area. Karena biasa seperti itu, gue terbiasa ngaca untuk ngecek apakah minyaknya udah berlebihan atau still fine. Gue jarang pake kertas minyak, karena ngga terlalu suka hehe. Biasanya kalau udah berminyak banget gue pake sedikit baby powder untuk membuat kulit wajah terlihat matte. Nah setelah gue pakai masker ini, pada pemakaian pertama, gue menyadari kalo minyak di wajah gue lebih terkontrol. I dont need to apply baby powder over and over again hahaha.
  • helps treat skin texture: gue sepertinya juga memperoleh manfaat yang ini, tapi masih rancu juga sih, apakah yang treat my skin texture adalah acnes clay mask atau olive oil (i'm using olive oil as a night cream) atau the combination of them both as my skin care. Kulit gue di daerah sebelah kanan hidung dulu pernah berjerawat parah sehingga memberikan bekas. Bekas itu gak terlalu terlihat, tapi agak mengganggu. Saat pakai masker ini (berbarengan dengan olive oil) kulit gue teksturnya menjadi lebih halus.
This product is good enough for me, it is about 20k something, and i think i dont need another (expensive) mask to treat my skin well hehe. I absolutely will  repurchase this product. Terkadang skin care itu adalah perkara cocok-cocokan, gak semua yang mahal kulit kita akan cocok, dan gak semua yang murah gak akan berpengaruh atau lebih parah menyebabkan acne, whiteheads, blackheads, and so on.. So treat yourself properly, treat your skin properly, because it shows how do you want people to treat you. Thank you for reading.
be blessed :)

Kamis, Juli 17

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser

Now i am going to review my current facial wash yang udah gue pake berbotol-botol nggak tau lagi udah berapa botol hahaha. It is Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser.

This facial cleanser is so gentle, as written in the bottle, it is mild, non irrutating formula, softens as it cleans. Bahkan menurut gue saat lo mulai put this cleanser on your face, lo bisa rasain kalo formula nya super super safe untuk kulit lo hehe. I started to use this facial cleanser about a year ago. Sebelumnya wajah gue belum pernah berjerawat, kalaupun ada pasti cuma sesekali, pms time, itu juga cuma satu dua, dan 2-3 hari setelahnya lenyap. Nah waktu itu wajah gue mulai berjerawat parah, ke dokter sini gagal, dokter situ gagal, wasting so much money. Sampai akhirnya menyerah pakai krim dokter, menyerah sama obat-obat jerawat dan ngga menggunakan apa-apa selain baby soap, Switzal. At that time what i did was just prayed for my skin to be back again as before hahaha. And surprisingly all the prayers works (as always) hihi. And my skin was going back to normal again. 

After that I was picky to put anything to my face, including facial wash. I dont want a whitening facial wash. Karena ga tahu kenapa gue selalu berpikir bahwa produk yang ada pemutihnya itu gak natural. Dan gue gamau putih karena pasti akan super belang sama leher kebawah, and it will be super gross if it happens -_- I want a gentle and soft formula facial wash, I googled, and found this facial cleanser with a lot of good reviews on Makeupalley.com and many blogs. Gue langsung beli ini di Guardians, it was about 130k. It is expensive enough, but it is totally worth. Produk ini kurang cocok bagi yang pengen kulitnya putih, karena produk ini hanya bener-bener membersihkan dengan lembut, dan ngga pake jerawat hilang secara instan tiba-tiba, atau warna kulit menjadi cerah tiba-tiba. It has no brightening effect also.

Tapi karena formulanya yang ngga aneh-aneh, kulit wajah gue ngga pernah ngambek dan mengeluarkan jerawat atau mengelupas karena terlalu kering atau berminyak berlebihan. Since I am using Cetaphil, gue bisa bilang kulit wajah gue turned into normal. Its weird. But happens hahaha. Karena sebelumnya kulit gue sangat sangat berminyak. Sekarang bahkan 1 keluarga gue semua pakai facial wash ini. This facial wash can be used for body also.

+ gentle
+ friendly to your skin
+ sangat aman untuk jangka waktu pemakaian yang sangat lama

- a little bit expensive
- no whitening or brightening effects for those who want it
-cant find this at supermarket kayak Giant atau Carrefour. Hanya ada di Guardian, Watson, dan semacamnya.

I absolutely will repurchase this product forever hahahaha. Thank you for reading.
be blessed :)

Anti-Breakage Keratin Oil Shampoo from Organix

I am going to post my second beauty review. It goes to a hair care. Gue mau review shampoo yang udah sekitar 2 bulan ini gue pake. It is Anti-Breakage Keratin Oil Shampoo from Organix. I bought this at Kemchicks, Pasific Place. It is around 150k kalau nggak salah. Gue lupa harga tepatnya berapa hehe. Keratin oil sendiri adalah kandungan protein dalam shampoo yang lagi hip banget. Di Indonesia sendiri udah ada beberapa shampoo yang mengandung keratin. Kalau masih ada yang bingung apa itu keratin, I will try to explain and do the summary from articles I have read hehe.

apa itu keratin?
Keratin adalah protein yang merupakan materi dasar penyusun rambut dan kuku. Semakin banyak jumlah keratin yang tersusun dan berbaris pada rambut, rambut akan semakin berkilau, semakin sedikit dan renggang jumlah keratin, maka yang terjadi pada rambut adalah kekusaman, dry, split-ends, etc.

Organix sendiri tidak hanya memproduksi keratin oil sebagai base product nya, tetapi juga argan oil, moroccan oil, coconut milk, teatree dan masih banyak lagi. Karena rambut gue sudah melewati banyak sekali proses smoothing dan pewarnaan, which it cause dry, coarse, and split-ends, gue menjatuhkan pilihan pada Keratin Oil Shampoo ini.

Di kemasannya tertulis "Indulge in rich, fortifying keratin proteins that reinforce each strands, increasing elasticity to resist breakage caused by brushing and styling". Sekitar 2 bulan lalu rambut gue mengalami rontok yang parah banget, penyebabnya adalah smoothing berkali-kali, catok, hair drying, coloring, and aaaaall usual things that girl always did hahaha. Tapi berhubung rambutnya emang banyak dan ngembang banget, jadi gue santai-santai aja hahaha. Sampai akhirnya rontoknya jadi parah banget jumlahnya. Lalu gue memutuskan untuk ganti shampoo. Shampoo Organix sendiri sudah terkenal akan bahan-bahan alami yang digunakan pada produk. Itu jelas banget dari merk mereka, Organix hahaha. Shampoo ini sulfate-free which is good. Karena rambut gue diwarnai, dan sulfate reduces colorant in your hair faster, gue berharap shampoo ini bisa mempertahankan warna di rambut gue last longer.

what i've got?
This product is amazing, it works well on my hair. Rambut gue sekarang ngga rontok sama sekali. Gue juga ngerasa warna rambut gue makin terang in a good way. It shines. Mungkin karena sulfate-free tadi kali yaa. I think I am going to repurchase this product. Maybe I will combine it with the conditioner for the best result. Tapi harganya membuat gue agak berpikir 2 kali sih hahaha. In my opinion, shampoo yang digunakan sendiri gak akan membuat rambut magically look like after treatment dari salon. Conditioner, hairmask, hairspa that I did also make a change to my hair. Jadi intinya, shampoo ini adalah a great great great product, tapi dia tidak bekerja sendirian. For the best result, you should do treatments to your hair too, if youre going to use this shampoo and want a maximum result :)

+ sulfate free
+ not tested on animals
+ works well, mengurangi kerontokan, mempertahankan kilau rambut yang diwarnai
+ bye bye dry and coarse hair

- expensive enough

That's all for my hair care review, thanks for reading
be blessed! :)

Introducing Myself With This Sun-Kissed Look

I will start with a simple

This is my first writing in a blog. I love music, art, and beauty things. Pengennya nulis hal-hal seputaran itu di blog ini. So.. lets get started hihi. Gue lagi suka banget banget banget sun-kissed make up, kenapa? Karena it shows a very fresh, natural, healthy, glowing skin. Its cool for daily face makeup. For me this kind of makeup look is making girls faces sweeter, its cute deh pokonya hihi. Here is the picture I found at pinterest, and my favorite goes to the right down the corner, the dark skin girl. She totally looks stunning, agree?

Here is another sun kissed make up look that is super stunning!

anyyway, its the same picture as the picture below but someone did an edit for her with blue sky eye colorand some freckless. But still i like this one, i like freckless, it makes her face look innocent hihi 

And finally! Here is the pict of sun kissed makeup look that I did. I put a blush from Maybelline ClearSmooth Shine Free Blush Fresh Berry. And a bronzer from MaxFactor Bronzing Powder 01 Golden. Basically, I have a dark olive skin tone and in my opinion this skin tone is easy to apply for this kind of look, because I dont need to put any kind of tanning products or darker powder to make it like the picture below

Sekian percobaan kali ini hihi. Thank you for anyone who read my first post. It means a lot!
be blessed :)